
Used Guns Non-Restricted

We Buy, Consign and Sell Used Guns.

If you have any used firearms that you are looking to sell.

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Used Winchester Model 70 XTR Sporter Bolt-Action Rifle, 300 Wby, 24" Barrel, Gloss Blued, Walnut Stock, 1" Scope Rings, With Extra Synthetic Stock, Very Good Condition

Used Winchester Model 70 XTR Sporter Bolt-Action Rifle, 300 Wby, 24" Barrel, Gloss Blued, Walnut Stock, 1" Scope Rings, With Extra Synthetic Stock, Very Good Condition

Used Winchester Model 94 Klondike Gold Rush Commemorative Lever Action, 30-30 Win, 20'' Barrel, Gold Coloured Receiver & Butt Plate, Good Condition

Used Winchester Model 94 Klondike Gold Rush Commemorative Lever Action, 30-30 Win, 20'' Barrel, Gold Coloured Receiver & Butt Plate, Good Condition

Used Zastava LK M70 Bolt-Action Rifle, 8x57 Mauser, 22" Barrel, Blued, Wood Stock, Iron Sights, 2 Piece Weaver Mount, Very Good Condition

8x57 Mauser, 22" Barrel, Blued, Wood Stock, Iron Sights, 2 Piece Weaver Mount, Very Good Condition

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